Friday, June 15, 2007


The iPhone is a multimedia and Internet-enabled mobile phone, announced by Apple CEO Steve Jobs during the keynote address at the Macworld Conference & Expo on 9 January 2007, that is scheduled to be released on 29 June 2007 in the U.S. at 6 p.m "local time," meaning that the Eastern Time Zone will have the iPhone three hours before the Pacific.
The iPhone's functions include those of a camera phone, a multimedia player, mobile phone, and Internet services like e-mail, text messaging, web browsing, Visual Voicemail and wireless connectivity. iPhone input is accomplished via touchscreen with virtual keyboard and buttons. The iPhone is a quad-band GSM phone, though Jobs mentioned in his keynote that Apple has a "plan to make 3G phones" in the future.Apple has filed more than 200 patents related to the technology behind the iPhone.
The iPhone will be available from the Apple Store and from AT&T Mobility, formerly Cingular Wireless, with a price of US$499 for the 4 GB model and US$599 for the 8 GB model, based on a two-year service contract. Apple intends to make the phone available in Europe in Q4 2007 and in Asia in 2008.

check the above link......


Harry and his unpleasant cousin Dudley are suddenly attacked by Dementors in Little Whinging (suburbia). Harry fends them off with a Patronus Charm. Harry receives an owl letter stating he has been expelled from Hogwarts for performing magic outside school. Several more letters arrive in quick succession: Arthur Weasley and Sirius Black warn Harry not to leave the house, while another overturns his expulsion and orders him to appear at a hearing at the Ministry o Magic.
Several Order of the Phoenix members escort Harry to their secret headquarters at the Black Family home, 12 Grimmauld Place in London. The Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry’s godfather Sirius Black are there. There Harry learns that Voldemort plans to build up an army and is attempting to retrieve a "weapon". Harry is cleared of the charges against him, because he acted in self-defence. The Ministry, however, still refuses to admit that Voldemort has returned.
The students return to Hogwarts, where Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, has been appointed by the Ministry as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She refuses to teach students any practical defense methods, only using textbooks to teach Ministry-approved theory. It is soon clear she is only there to spy on and take control of the school. She is soon appointed High Inquisitor, intimidating staff and students. She also harbours an intense dislike for Half-breeds, Centaurs, werewolves, and similar creatures. She considers Hagrid (a half-breed giant) and Sybill Trelawney incompetent, and fires Trelawney.
Harry has been having strange dreams of running down a hallway and attempting to open a door in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. He also dreams he is a snake attacking Ron's father, Arthur Weasley. The next morning, Arthur is discovered covered with venomous snake bites. Harry fears he is being possessed and transported by Voldemort to do his bidding. Dumbledore makes Severus Snape give Harry lessons in the art of Occlumency to block his mind from intrusion.
Hermione blackmails journalist Rita Skeeter into writing a newspaper article that Harry witnessed Voldemort's return. Luna Lovegood's father publishes the article in his magazine The Quibbler. Furious, Umbridge bans the tabloid at the school, but the story spreads rapidly, gathering support for Harry.
Hermione convinces Harry to secretly teach students Defence Against the Dark Arts. They name their group the Defence Association (D.A.), although they begin calling themselves "Dumbledore's Army" to mock the Ministry of Magic, which fears that Dumbledore is trying to gain power for himself. Umbridge uncovers the secret meetings, and to protect the students, Dumbledore claims he organized the group. Confronted by two Ministry Aurors (Dawlish and Shacklebolt), Fudge, Percy Weasley, and Umbridge, Dumbledore is spectacularly whisked away on his phoenix, Fawkes. Umbridge is appointed Headmistress; the other professors do nothing to help her regain control over the school.
Harry receives a vision that Sirius is being tortured at the Department of Mysteries, unaware it is a ruse. He desperately attempts to contact Sirius via the fireplace in Umbridge's office but is caught. Umbridge reveals it was she who sent the Dementors to attack Harry during the summer. As she is about to use the Cruciatus Curse on him, Hermione tells her that Dumbledore has hidden a powerful weapon in the Forbidden Forest. Umbridge goes there, insults a Centaur, and gets captured by the other Centaurs.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione, along with Luna, Ginny, and Neville use the school's Thestrals to fly to the Ministry of Magic in London to save Sirius, unaware they are being lured into a trap. When they arrive at the Department of Mysteries, they are ambushed by Death Eaters. Voldemort seeks a Prophecy contained in a glass sphere and needs Harry to retrieve it for him.
The students heroically fight the Death Eaters, but they are outnumbered. Just as they are nearly defeated, Order members arrive. During the ensuing battle, the glass sphere is shattered. Sirius is attacked by his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, a Death Eater. He falls backwards through a mysterious veiled archway, never to return. Soon, Dumbledore arrives and most of the Death Eaters are captured. Lord Voldemort appears and duels with Dumbledore. Ministry of Magic employees arrive on the scene in time to see Voldemort before he disapparates, taking Bellatrix with him. Cornelius Fudge finally admits Voldemort has returned, and Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter is reprinted in the Daily Prophet.
Later in his office, Dumbledore apologizes to Harry for neglecting him over the past year. He reveals the lost prophecy's meaning, which states Harry must kill Voldemort or be murdered by him. Sybill Trelawney predicted, "Either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives." At the end of the year, Harry returns to the Dursleys for another summer, deeply grieving for his lost godfather.
you can check the trailor of the movie at the above link


WiBro (Wireless Broadband)is a wireless broadband Internet technology being developed by the Korean telecoms industry. It adapts TDD for duplexing, OFDMA for multiple access and 8.75MHz as a channel bandwidth. WiBro was devised to overcome the speed limitation of mobile phone (for example CDMA 1x) and to add mobility to broadband Internet (for example ADSL or Wireless LAN). In February 2002, the Korean government allocated 100 MHz of electromagnetic spectrum in the 2.3 - 2.4 GHz band, and in late 2004 WiBro Phase 1 was standardized by the TTA of Korea and in late 2005 ITU reflected WiBro as IEEE 802.16e (mobile WiMAX). WiBro is the service name for mobile WiMAX in Korea. Two Korean Telco (KT, SKT) launched commercial service in June 2006, and the tariff is around 30 US$.
WiBro base stations will offer an aggregate data throughput of 30 to 50 Mbit/s and cover a radius of 1-5 km allowing for the use of portable internet usage. In detail, it will provide mobility for moving devices up to 120km/h (74.5miles/h) compared to Wireless LAN having mobility up to walking speed and Mobile Phone having mobility up to 250km/h. From testing during the APEC Summit in Busan in late 2005, the actual range and bandwidth were quite a bit lower than these numbers. The technology will also offer Quality of Service. The inclusion of QoS allows for WiBro to stream video content and other loss-sensitive data in a reliable manner. These all appear to be (and may be) the stronger advantages over the fixed WiMAX standard (802.16a). Some Telcos in many countries are trying to commercialize this Mobile WiMAX (or WiBro). For example, TI (Italia), TVA (Brazil), Omnivision (Venezuela), PORTUS (Croatia), and Arialink (Michigan) will provide commercial service after test service around 2006-2007. While WiBro is quite exacting in its requirements from spectrum use to equipment design, WiMAX leaves much of this up to the equipment provider while providing enough detail to ensure interoperability between designs.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

HDTV the visual wonder...!!!

High-definition television (HDTV) is a digital television broadcasting system with a significantly higher resolution than traditional formats (NTSC, SECAM, PAL). While some early analog HDTV formats were broadcast in Europe and Japan, HDTV is usually broadcast digitally, because digital television (DTV) broadcasting requires much less bandwidth. HDTV technology was first introduced in the US during the 1990s by a group of electronics companies called the Digital HDTV Grand Alliance.

High-Definition television was first developed by Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai, and was unveiled in 1969
Though the system did not become mainstream until the late 1990s.
In the early 2000s, a number of high-definition television standards were competing for the still-developing niche markets.
Current HDTV standards are defined by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R BT.709) as 1080 active interlace or progressive scan lines, or 720 progressive scan lines, using a 16:9 aspect ratio. All current HDTV broadcasting standards are encompassed within the DVB specification.
HDTV is also capable of "theater-quality" audio because it uses the Dolby Digital (AC-3) format to support "5.1" surround sound. It should be noted that while HDTV is more like a theater in quality than conventional television, 35mm and 70mm film projectors used in theaters still have the highest resolution and best viewing quality on very large screens. Many HDTV programs are produced from movies on film as well as content shot in HD video.
The term "high-definition" can refer to the resolution specifications themselves, or more loosely to media capable of similar sharpness, such as photographic film. As of 2007, 24 million US households have HDTVs. However, only half are set up to actually receive HDTV programming as some consumers are not aware that they must get special receivers to get HDTV from cable, or use HDTV tuners to receive over-the-air broadcasts, and some are planning to use it in the future.

SONY BRAVIA The class apart...!!!!

BRAVIA is a Sony brand used to market its high-definition LCD televisions. The name is an acronym of "Best Resolution Audio Visual Integrated Architecture". All new Sony high-definition flat-panel LCD televisions in North America now carry the BRAVIA logo.
The name BRAVIA replaces the "LCD WEGA" brand name which Sony LCD TVs used up until Summer 2005 (early promotional photos exist of the first BRAVIA TVs still bearing the WEGA name).

Like other high definition television lines the various Bravia models differ in capability as well as screen size. Display capability depends on which high definition outputs are supported, and the input signal supplied to the television. Bravia televisions can display video from a variety of sources. The quality of the picture depends on the quality of the input.
The coax connector can receive regular television broadcasts, cable, and VCR/DVD output and will also receive and decode whatever high definition content is available on broadcast or cable television. Most high definition television which is broadcast is in the lower resolution high-definition formats.
Other traditional VCR/DVD outputs such as S-Video or Component video deliver the traditional television resolution that is no better than the resolution displayed by traditional television.
The HDMI input delivers the highest quality signal to the television and produces the highest quality high definition television picture, to the limits of the capabilities of the television. However, all HDMI has the HDCP content protection system built-in and this will degrade resolution of the display should the HDCP detect the presence of an unauthorized device. This limits the devices which deliver high definition TV content to those which are unable to record or otherwise duplicate protected content.
A VGA style computer connection is available, however the resolution of the video signal received from a computer may be limited to resolutions below the capability of the television depending on the capabilities of the computer's graphics card.
Purists will want to adjust the display on installation. The default configuration artificially enhances the color and contrast of the image to produce a more eye-catching, "vivid", display. This is easily done via a menu selection.

Monday, June 11, 2007

I LOVE HER......!!!!!

"Love is blind" this may be the sentence you may have heard about that is what even i had thought about till now.But after very much rude behavior of the person whom i love, whose name is RIDHI(real name is been hidden),has been acting as if I have done some crime by loving her,according to her i love her that is a biggest mistake u can even say a blunder according to her.

This all started near the place called as "bakery house"(real name is hidden).where in nearby i used to go for coaching classes...which i thought would be helpful in my studies but it was helpful in studies..because of which i got into C.H.A.S.E. which is the engineering college...and after seeing her...i experienced the thing which the call as so "love at first site".Which i never used to believe till then because i thought i will never meet her again in my life.As who knows what type of game does god play with us and no one knows what he had in store for me.

But soon i got to know when i entered C.H.A.S.E college of engineering.The first day of engineering i was sitting with one of my hostel friend who used to sing only tere naam song and aln=most fried my brains:). Then happened the incident which i expected the least....guess what i saw the same girl whom i satarted love from the first glance yes right RIDHI.That time i thought that god is there,and even became a strong believer of god.Then as usual as happens with most of the boys always dreaming about ,and yes as was staying in hostel I can tell there no such day which has gone without the fight with my hostel mates and it was just because of her.

Still i thought one day or the other day i thought she will understand my like this only whole of the 1st year went then was the 3rd sem when MR.BANDLI thanks to him who
completely messed up all the things by telling her that i have a crush on her which is actually a wrong word because its not crush but love and her reply was cool "I know it rrom before itself"
then i was afraid to speak to her...which went on like this only till the time came when i made account in a site called KUTKUT which most of the college going students are mad about where after becoming her friend there,i started to speak to her but because of some people and even my fault she was angry and she deleted her account and because of which i was upset completely and even i thought finishing my self...
But what to its all of no use as our semesters have finished and now i thoought atleast i can correct my mistake but for tht also she is not giving any chance so i feel like what the biggest blunder have I done on the earth ....I just love her..
and folks i have cut short all the incidents in my 4 years what all have happened .
so let it happen what ever i want to tell her or send her one message that she may think what ever she wants but "I loved her"

" I love her"
"I will be loving her only"

Sunday, June 3, 2007

RAIN IN INDIA......!!!!!!!

Its raining time in INDIA the rain starts in june in INDIA.That is the most special time when the heat of summer will be cooled down by the rain .It is very special when the first rain droplets(MUNGARU MALE) fall to ground and u get the smell of the soil which is really superb.
Childrens going out in rain and getting wet in rain..which all r very nice to watch..every where water and greenery rainbow..that is really like best gift to humanity that nature has give to human.but due to some of the factors it has affected the amount of rain and the regularity of it which is mainly because of the cutting off the forests which is very painful to know....
we should never forget that"humanity can never live without nature but nature can live without humanity"


Indian idol 3 the one which is most awaited in the whole of Indian television screens....
with many new features this time .First starts with the new judges panel like melodious udit narayan,gorgeous Alisha Chinoi,master lyricst javed aktar and the same old ever critisising :)...Anu Malek .There os even change in the host panel tht is Hussain Khuwajirwala and the same old stunnig Mini Mathur.
This time by seeing the starting episodes it can be said and alo can be felt that this time it will be far better than last time's Indian many promising singers are going to try thier luck..for becoming "BHARAT KI SHAAN"..

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Michael Schumacher and Ferrari won an unprecedented five consecutive drivers’ championships and six consecutive constructors’ championships between 1999 and 2004. Schumacher set many new records, including those for Grand Prix wins (91), wins in a season (13 of 18), and most drivers' championships . Schumacher's championship streak ended on September 25, 2005 when Renault driver Fernando Alonso become Formula One’s youngest champion. In 2006, Renault and Alonso won both titles again. Seven time World Champion Schumacher retired at the end of 2006, after 16 years in Formula One.
During this period the championship rules were frequently changed by the FIA with the intention of improving the on-track action and cutting costs. Team orders, legal since the championship started in 1950, were banned in 2002 after several incidents in which teams openly manipulated race results, generating negative publicity, most famously by Ferrari at the 2002 Austrian Grand Prix. Other changes included the qualifying format, the points scoring system, the technical regulations and rules specifying how long engines and tyres must last. A 'tyre war' between suppliers Michelin and Bridgestone saw lap times fall, although at the 2005United States Grand Prix at Indianapolis seven out of ten teams did not race when their Michelin tyres were deemed unsafe for use. At the end of 2006 Max Moseley outlined a ‘green’ future for Formula One, in which efficient use of energy would become an important factor.
Since 1983, Formula One had been dominated by specialist race teams like Williams, McLaren and Benetton, using engines supplied by large car manufacturers like Mercedes-Benz, Honda, Renault and Ford. Starting in 2000 with Ford’s creation of the largely unsuccessful Jaguar team, new manufacturer-owned teams entered Formula One for the first time since Alfa Romeo and Renault in 1985. By 2006, the manufacturer teams – Renault, BMW, Toyota, Honda and Ferrari – dominated the championship, taking five of the first six places in the constructors' championship. The sole exception was McLaren, which is part-owned by Mercedes Benz. Through the Grand Prix Manufacturers Association (GPMA) they negotiated a larger share of Formula One’s commercial profit and a greater say in the running of the sport.

ANISUTIDE YAAKO INDU..........!!!!!!

Some tell love is bad and some tell its good ....everyone has his own comments to do, it depends on person to person how he has experienced it and to what extent..

U know ur in love when kuch kuch hota hai...tht is what karan johar said but actually its not like that..actually its when u satrt getting less marks in ur exams or u start seeing her/his face everywhere.Even i have a friend who used to tell about his dream girl ,like about the description about the dream girl and now is committed to a girl who has some of the features he thought but still he is committed ,now that is what love teaches you.

Every love story need not to be of happy ending as such, some of them even finds its end before it even begins...that is some what i call it as love and the principle of this is very easy "better find a person who loves you".I think that is whymost of the love story becomes "MUNGARU MALE"as such it goes on.................:-)

so geting the girl of your dream is not simple and after getting her, losing her is more HORRIBLE

LOVE ....!!!!!

Love is a constellation of emotions and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. The meaning of love varies relative to context. Romantic love is seen as an ineffable feeling of intense attraction shared in passionate or intimate attraction and intimate interpersonal and sexual relationships. Love can also be construed as Platonic love, religious love, familial love, and, more casually, great affection for anything considered strongly pleasurable, desirable, or preferred, to include activities and foods. This diverse range of meanings in the singular word love is often contrasted with the plurality of Greek words for love, reflecting the concept's depth, versatility, and complexity.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Jodhaa Akbar is a sixteenth century love story about a marriage of alliance that gave birth to true love between a great Mughal emperor, Akbar, and a Rajput princess, Jodhaa.
Politically, success knew no bounds for Emperor Akbar (Hrithik Roshan). After having secured the Hindu Kush, he furthered his realm by conquest until his empire extended from Afghanistanto the Bay of Bengal, and from the Himalayas to the Godavari River. Through a shrewd blend of tolerance, generosity, and force, Akbar won the allegiance of the Rajputs, the most belligerent Hindus. But little did Akbar know that when he married Jodhaa (Aishwary Rai), a fiery Rajput princess, in order to further strengthen his relations with the Rajputs, he would in turn be embarking upon a new journey – the journey of true love.
The daughter of King Bharmal of Amer, Jodhaa resented being reduced to a mere political pawn in this marriage of alliance, and Akbar’s biggest challenge now did not merely lie in winning battles, but in winning the love of Jodhaa – a love hidden deep below resentment and extreme prejudice. Jodhaa-Akbar is their untold love story.

OM SHANTI OM plzz...!!

The Farah Khan directed Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone starrer, OM SHANTI OM, has been in the news for a while now. Once the shooting started and as more and more details emerged about the project, expectations soared to dizzying heights. The distribution circle on its part has tipped it as one of the hottest releases of 2007, and there are at least three major names competing with each other for obtaining the rights of OM SHANTI OM. Already talked about it and here is the latest.

There have been speculations about the probable release date of OM SHANTI OM and at least half a dozen dates have been written about! So what is the actual position? As per our distribution sources and also according to India's leading trade expert, the makers of OM SHANTI OM are contemplating a release in the second half of October or in early November. They just might settle for a Diwali release, that is 9th November.


so its time for again to rain...!!!.But this time hope its rain of happiness not of trajedy...hope most of u have already guessed what am i talking about...yes its MUNGARU MALE 2

The first movie made a history ....and still making history which is a great thing to know...

First when the movie came every one thought that the director and producer has taken a but the people who all commented on the sucess are all now appreciating the same risk...!!! :-)

so now its again time to create history again.for the MUNGARU team but this time ley us hope not a tragic ending which could make many people to think that love is not painful but is a happy thing to happen in life....

as per the rumuors the news is that in MUNGARU MALE 2 it would be a GOLDEN STAR GANESH and RAMYA and the shooting has already started near CANARA ENGINEERING COLLEGE,BANTWAL....